If you want to lose belly fat, I mean really want to, please read this article all the way through. In this article I will share 3 top exercises to lose belly fat and cover the one biggest mistake that people do when trying to burn off stomach fat. You may be making this mistake today and you need to stop right away.
Let's start with this mistake: it's doing belly exercises.
Yes, that's right, the biggest mistake people make when trying to workout to lose belly fat is focusing on their abs. This may see strange but it's true. The reason why focusing on your abs is a mistake is that belly exercises do not burn a lot of belly fat.
The reason is that you can't burn fat from a specific body part by training that body part. Crunches don't just burn belly fat, they burn calories which your body then gets from fat or other sources from all over your body. This is true for any body part you try to train.
The second reason is that abdominal workouts as a whole do not burn a lot of fat. Other exercises burn a lot more fat. These are the exercises I will share with you here. These exercises do not work the abs directly but they burn a ton of body fat and belly fat as well.
Exercise #1 - Deep Squat Knee Jumps - OK, this is just a name I invented but if you're looking for an awesome fat burning exercise this is it. The way you do this combo exercise is go into a deep squat which I'm sure you know how to do. On the way back up jump high while bending your knees toward your chest. You will feel how good this works your body from top to bottom.
Exercise #2 - Renegade rows - This is a tough exercise that works your core and your back. You take two dumbbells and place them on the floor at should width apart. Grab a dumbbell in each hand but don't pick them up. Instead, go into a push up position. In a rowing motion, lift one dumbbell and pull it back until your elbow has past your body. You're supporting your body with one hand and your feet. This works the core muscles and burns a lot of fat. Lower the dumbbell gently to the floor and repeat with the other hand.
Exercise #3 - Burpees - This is another strength/cardio exercise like the Deep squat jump. To do a burpee you need to do a push up, jump to bring both legs toward your hands, straighten up, and jump high into the air. This is just one repetition and if you can do 15 of them, you're in pretty good shape.
Do these 3 exercises and you will lose belly fat quickly.
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